Mike's Oud Forums

Painful oud story and vanishing legacy :(((

Oud.Proff - 8-21-2008 at 12:16 PM

Hello all,

I think there are certain landmark musical instruments out there that everyone looked up to (say like a certain Stradivarius violin.....). In my mind, one of the BEST sounding ouds ever was the oud owned by the late composer (and singer) Mohammad Mooji. This great talent was living in a humble apartment in Cairo, and when he passed away he left a legacy of acheivements in the music world.
But I find it very shocking to learn that the late Mohammad Mooji left records of more than 50 songs performed solo on the oud, yet never released to the public even until today !. His son (Mooji "Sagheer"/Junior) was planning to release those never broadcasted projects on his late father's memorial through a contract with a major production company in Egypt.

A couple of months ago, the apartment (where his family lived in after) caught fire and the flames just ate everything in that aprtment !! His mourning son said the most painful thing to see was the ashes of those projects, and menttioned that the most painful thing to see was the ashes of 5 ouds one of which was the late Mooji's personal oud. He also mentioned that shortly after his father's death somebody offered him ~quarter a million dollars for the oud, an offer he declined simply because of the invaluable sentimental value.

I think that oud had one of the best oud sounds I've ever heard...... As crazy as this may sound, but I can describe the oud sound like a lion roar (in a good musical way.........well the lion is dead now anyways :() I'm attaching below an old sound file for that (late) oud played by Mooji.

His son said that unfortunately there were no hard copies left not even electronic copies for those records, but he's trying now to salvage whatever left overs with the Mooji's friends :(:(

Here is the YouTube video showing the story and the interview with his son:


Amer - 8-21-2008 at 01:12 PM

This is very devastating news proff!!
I'm personally saddened because of the (((50))) lost works that haven't been published!! This is truly catastrophic!! How could he sleep night after night with "only one copy in the universe" of these works?!

Really bad news, but it was his son's fault.. Man, converting them to digital format would've only taken a couple hours! :(

MatthewW - 8-21-2008 at 01:45 PM

Hello OudProff. Would you have any photos of Mooji's personal oud you are speaking about that you can post here? What woods went into this special oud? I agree with Amer, it wouldn't have taken much to convert everything to digital format, or any other format so some sort of backup was on hand. regards, MW


Oud.Proff - 8-21-2008 at 01:50 PM

Indeed indeed Amer and Matthew, assuming that computer illiteracy has long faded away :(
I believe it's this oud Matthew. Not sure who the maker is nor wood type. But I'm guessing Walnut and/or Rosewood, yet can't confirm.

Kind regards,

JT - 8-22-2008 at 04:32 AM

Hello Guys,

This is a really awful story...

I have an oud by this maker however. My oud was built in 1980 by Samir Adly Abeer and was given to me when I was 14 (1998:-) by the famous Egyptian composer the late Mohamed Moustapha who was a dear friend of my Uncle Yacoub Mansi Habib.

He gave it to me after he suffered Parkinsons and couldnt play anymore. He told me I would do it justice which was a very sad and moving moment. He told me he had bought it from Mohammed Mawgi after a gathering but I never really believed it and I really cant confirm this, but Im sure its the same maker.

This oud has a really big Arabic warm sound and is very dear to me...

All the best,


Pic 1

JT - 8-22-2008 at 04:37 AM

Pic 2

JT - 8-22-2008 at 04:42 AM

Pic 3

JT - 8-22-2008 at 04:45 AM


JT - 8-22-2008 at 04:48 AM

Sorry guys, couldnt get a proper shot of label...

katakofka - 8-22-2008 at 05:05 AM

Heritage of el Muji on a 4th floor in a builing where people work with cyr on the 2nd floor?:shrug:
shameful and sad

Oud.Proff - 8-23-2008 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by JT
Hello Guys,

This is a really awful story...

I have an oud by this maker however. My oud was built in 1980 by Samir Adly Abeer and was given to me when I was 14 (1998:-) by the famous Egyptian composer the late Mohamed Moustapha who was a dear friend of my Uncle Yacoub Mansi Habib.

He gave it to me after he suffered Parkinsons and couldnt play anymore. He told me I would do it justice which was a very sad and moving moment. He told me he had bought it from Mohammed Mawgi after a gathering but I never really believed it and I really cant confirm this, but Im sure its the same maker.

This oud has a really big Arabic warm sound and is very dear to me...

All the best,


Hi all,

Your oud Joseph seems to resemble the single-rosette oud Mooji's playing in that picture I have. Interesting history of that oud JT. I'm really into those old Egyptian ouds. A deep bass tone.....not much sustain but truely mature Arabic sound ! Looks to me like it's made of Walnut, correct?? Would love to hear that one !

I have a very dear oud to me and was told that it was owned by Sayyid Makkawi. The oud has no lable inside, and I don't know the name of the maker either. Similarly, the only proof I have for that oud is a confirmation from one of my old oud teachers (from Egypt) who closely knew Sayyid Makkawi. I'll try to shoot some pictures for it sometimes and post.


JT - 8-23-2008 at 04:53 PM

Hello Oud Prof,

Yeah, who knows who owned the ouds. But really I think its a possibility. Oud players and composers own many in their lifetime and are quite down to earth:) so its very possible they coud have sold their instrument to a friend considering they have so many. My oud certainly doesnt have alot of sustain, very big bass sound...I will try and post a sound file, but am heading to Slovenia this week so might be hard to get one up.

I think from the pic you posted aswell, the Lining between the ribs on the back look similar. The wood I think is walnut but Ive had a friend tell me its "Moga" (Arabic name for it) which I assumed was Mahogany which I doubted. But your probably closer Oud Prof.

Also, I have to apologise for the size of the pics:)

All the best,


Oud.Proff - 8-24-2008 at 09:22 PM

Dear JT,

Wish you happy trip through the week, as you always spread joy with your great talent of oud playing around the world.

Yes, in fact not only the wood liners on the bowl are similar, but also the inlay around the soundboard frame and the fingerboard (almost identical). Also the apex of the pegbox is quite similar.

Well, you know what...... I think Mahogany is probably a closer candidate and match than walnut giving the bowl another look.

Best wishes,

JT - 8-24-2008 at 10:59 PM

Hello Oud Prof.

Thanks for your kind words. On reflection they really are quite similar I think. Its a strong possibilty it is the same maker.
As for Mahogany I did know they made ouds out of this wood, is it common?

All the best,


Oud.Proff - 9-4-2008 at 12:30 AM

Dear Joseph,
Yes the resemblance is almost uncanny :)

I've seen several ouds (particularly Turkish) where the bowl was made of Mahogany. Great look of the wood indeed.......there is some transparency to it somewhat that you can almost see a 3D reflection through it.
