7abeeby kha7eel Motayam1 should be the name of the song
but anybody knows who he is?
I find other three videos about him, always without mentions on his name..
ale.Monawar Al-Jabar - 9-24-2008 at 12:40 PM
Originally posted by corridoio
7abeeby kha7eel Motayam1 should be the name of the song
but anybody knows who he is?
I find other three videos about him, always without mentions on his name..
I see if i can get you some old video files i have of himcorridoio - 9-24-2008 at 01:02 PM
many thanks Monawar
me and my friend Jilali love that song
all the videos we found about him comes by babelyemen and has the same title, traditional yemen music...ecc..
so.. thanks again