Mike's Oud Forums

New year, new oud, first oud

Boral - 1-2-2009 at 12:25 PM

I finally started my first oud project.
I am following the instructions presented in Dr. Oud's book.

I have not much experience in working with wood so I had to learn how to plane...

Boral - 1-2-2009 at 12:30 PM

Bending wood also has been a learning experience.

I made a bending form and bent my first rib using a heat gun.

Boral - 1-2-2009 at 12:41 PM

It was not hot enough so the rib had a lot of spring back. I achieved a better result in my second try with a device like the one used by Jameel A. with a 150 Watt bulb but I am still not happy because the rib surface is not uniform.

I need a more powerful bulb. I will also try using a boiling trough to heat the wood

patheslip - 1-2-2009 at 02:17 PM

I'm looking forward to following your project. Keep us up to date, please.:)

Tom Moran - 1-2-2009 at 04:39 PM

Looks good so far! You should go up to a 200 watt bulb and let that pipe get real hot, then I'd see no reason to boil your ribs.
What wood are the ribs?

Boral - 1-4-2009 at 07:27 AM

Patheslip, Yes I will you informed but this is gong to take some time because I only have time on weekends.
Tom, I will try with something stronger. The wood is sapelly.
Thank you both for being supportive

Tom Moran - 1-4-2009 at 07:54 AM

You're in for an interesting time. In my "spare time" it took me a nearly a year to finish mine. Definitely work at a comfortable pace.

sabbassi - 1-13-2009 at 02:36 AM

nice project , looking forward for more.
I think it is better to bend the ribs before they are cut to shape (arrow). so you prevent the twist and keep the ribs flat.

Boral - 1-13-2009 at 04:31 AM

thank you for your advice.
I will try to do the way you describe