Reda Aouad - 1-12-2009 at 03:08 PM
Hey All
This is Samai Kurd by Tatyos Afandi
Hope you like it
Update: You can also find below the same Samai on Hijaz Kar Kurd..
Greg - 1-12-2009 at 10:03 PM
Thanks Reda.
Reda Aouad - 1-12-2009 at 10:24 PM
Well.. Greg, why don't you open a section in this forum dedicated for music sheets?
I always find people (and myself) desperately struggling to find music sheets, some of which may be easily found in someone's repertoire. This would
be a very good and fast way to share music sheets of all kinds, as well as attract more people to the forum and open new types of discussions.. And I
am willing to be a great contributor
So what do you say?
Thanks for considering my suggestion
Reda Aouad
suz_i_dil - 1-13-2009 at 01:13 AM
I join the suggestion of Reda,
it would be interested to have a section dedicated to music sheet, something to discover and learn new pieces.
Maybe can we open a thread in this section for each maqam, and include in it sheets and records of classical pieces and taqasim. But I don't know
about records of the interpretation of classical pieces because of the matter of copyrights.
What you think about?
francis - 1-13-2009 at 01:43 AM
I join also Reda's suggestion.
It would be a very helpful section for beginner's ( like me ) and may be for more advanced players who are searching tunes to add to their
It could also give a good help to learn about different styles of playing.
Would it be of some interest to separate turkish an "arabic" tunes? ( two parts in the section? ). I'm not able to answer but may be the question
worth to be ?
Reda Aouad - 1-13-2009 at 01:59 AM
Thanks guys for joining in
I hope more participants will also support my suggestion, as most of us are in need of such collaboration.
Suzidil.. just one thing.. we could always open a thread to share music sheets.. but the point is to make a whole separate section for such
contributions.. a thread in this forum may be forgotten at some point and will be hard to find if someone is just looking for music sheets..
And Francis.. why not separating Turkish and Arabic styles.. but in such case we should also think about other styles.. or maybe how to differentiate
composers or singers or.. it will then be complicated.. I don't know I'm just thinking aloud..
And of course.. it will be a section that will help the players of all levels.. from the beginners to the professionals.. since it's always nice to
enrich one's repertoire and knowledge.
What do you think?
suz_i_dil - 1-13-2009 at 09:00 AM
Yes Reda,
this is what I was thinking about, a general section with a thread for each maqam in it.
I follow you in this idea, let's wait for others opinion about.
amarock - 1-13-2009 at 05:27 PM
Good initiative reda
The real Tatyos Samai was written in Hijazkar kurd maqam.
Reda Aouad - 1-14-2009 at 03:28 AM
Well.. in some sources it's on Kurd La and in others it's in Hijaz Kar Kurd.. so I'm not sure about it..
But anyways.. here it is in Hijaz Kar Kurd