Semaj Nostrebor - 3-7-2009 at 09:29 PM
Hello all. My real name is Jim. I live in Virginia, USA. I play a number of stringed instruments ranging from double bass down to ukulele, and a
few they forgot to put the strings on. I teach a number of stringed instruments at several levels of accomplishment.
I am new to the oud. I have one on the way, and I hope it plays well. That remains to be seen.
Can anyone direct me to either a decent text or DVD format instruction for the oud? I suppose I prefer Arabic, if that's what Hamza al Din plays.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
FastForward - 3-8-2009 at 12:19 AM
Check the DVD by Oud.Proff who is a member of this forum.
You also can check many of the posts on this forum for additional links and information. Also youtube has a reasonable amount of videos which can
arsene - 3-9-2009 at 01:44 PM
For Arabic style I would indeed heartly reccommend Oud.Proff's DVD('s)!