shareen - 4-4-2009 at 09:42 AM
Hello all. Last week I had the honor of attending a group called Musaique; a gathering of young Jordanian, Palestinian, Armenian and Israeli
musicians who got together at a Monastery on a mountain top in Northern Jordan to create music and a new paradigm for peace and understanding through
music. It was directed by an Israeli and a Jordanian partner and included 5 days of living and creating together, climaxed by a concert in Amman for
a private invited audience and a recording session. The results were magical and many boundaries of fear and misunderstand were crossed, overcome and
To top it all off, I ended up picking up a beautiful Fadel oud sold to me by the ever illusive Oud_Proff who we all love. Thursday night in Amman was
spent wildly bar hopping with the elite intelligencia of Amman society (not introduced to me by the group), and over many drinks attempting to solve
the ills of the region thorough lots of laughter and song. I will be
posting more information about Musaique, as well as You Tube postes, pics and music. We will be looking for funding moving forward for more
gatherings such as this. What a blessing to be a musician!!