Mike's Oud Forums

Najarian soft case

acryl1 - 4-29-2009 at 10:33 PM

I have tried some kinds of oud soft cases ( I don't prefer hardcase), and I like Khalaf bag, but wanted a box type one with a little stronger pegbox part. What I mean is I wanted a popular light and box type case, like the one for viloin, cello, etc.
And the other day one of my friends showed me an oud in a very good soft case, and on the pocket of it was written "Najarian" logo. and he said he was given this case from someone who is dead now, so he does not know where it comes from.
I contacted Najarian homepage but no reply.
And on the page there were only names as "OC-1, or 2" for case names and no photos shown.
Is this a Najarian case? Is there anyone who owns this?
Anyway, this is the best soft case I have ever seen. It is made as a box type , but completely with soft materials and
on the neck part there is a strong "holder". and I am sure this can prevent damage in a crowded train or something. (Of course it goes without saying that it is less damage-preventable than real hardcase, though.) :applause:

mavrothis - 4-30-2009 at 12:07 PM


I have 2 of these cases, and they are very nice. Not as safe as a Najarian hard case, but lighter and easier to manage when walking with the oud. Unfortunately, they do not make them anymore...at least as far as I know.



acryl1 - 4-30-2009 at 04:46 PM

Hi mavrothis,

Thank you for reply.
Ahhh! So unfortunately!
I hope some other maker will make a similar one.
For their reference, I attach the photos.:bowdown:

acryl1 - 4-30-2009 at 04:52 PM

more image

paulO - 4-30-2009 at 06:21 PM

Dude...you can always try giving Viken a call at: 714-970-2396.

acryl1 - 5-1-2009 at 07:45 PM

Thanks for your advice.
OK, I will do that.
