FastForward - 11-3-2009 at 03:47 PM
If you are referring to the prices on both, then there is no contradiction, one has a bid of $81 and it says that the reserve price is not met, while
the other is a buy it now price for $800 and some change.
fernandraynaud - 11-3-2009 at 11:19 PM
Yes. The famous "Reserve". Unfortunately they now seem to run ALL their auctions with a pretty high reserve price. It's no fun at all. Their oud
descriptions as poetry are the only entertainment they offer these days.
When they didn't put a reserve on everything, it was worth trying to pick up a strange oud very inexpensively. But with high reserve prices, their
Sukars are the only items that are worth buying now, and forget the auctions, just make an offer, and you're done.
They're probably going to find people stop wasting their time on their auctions altogether.
fernandraynaud - 11-4-2009 at 12:19 AM
And, BTW, if anyone wonders why I bother defending Palmyrami, it's because there ARE real thieves out there, e.g. see Electric Oud thread, and
Palmyrami's not one of them. Also they can't defend themselves too well, I favor the underdog, and they happen to sell my beloved Sukars at a good