In The Market
Hi folks - looking to get some advice; or some solicitations - of the O'udal variety.
My first O'ud was an Egyptian O'ud shop number - and it lasted about two years before the face began to seperate on top (where I rest my arm). It' pretty and plays well, but when I took it to a luthier, he said he'd probably end
up charging me more than I initially paid for the O'ud ($350). So, I think it's time to look for a new O'ud.
Here are some qualities I am looking for:
1) I play mainly Arabic music, so I'd be looking for an Arabic O'ud (or at least one designed to be tuned C/F on the bottom two courses)
2) I like a sound with a lot of "bottom" to it. A big, bassy O'ud suits my big baritone voice.
3) I'd like an O'ud a little more "built to last" - one that I don't have to end my affair with after two years - I'm a committment kind of guy.
4) I've seen some O'uds that have a laminate where the right arm sits while playing - presumably to prevent exactly the issues my current O'ud has
So - there you go, any and all advice with be appreciated.