The EJ95 A set is for
1,2 - c'
3,4 - g
5,6 - d
7,8 - A
9,10 - F
11 - C
You want:
1,2 - c'
3,4 - g
5,6 - d
7,8 - A
9,10 - G
11 - D
Correct? You are not likely to break the strings with this tuning. Depending on the oud, the extra tension could cause some issues long-term so you
should keep an eye on it and loosen the strings if it seems like the action is getting higher. Depending on your scale length and the quality of
construction this could be fine or cause problems. From what I recall, we developed that set based on ~61cm scale. If your oud is shorter than this,
the tension will be a bit lower and less likely to cause problems.