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Looking for a beginner Oud
Hello, I am located in Los Angeles, CA ,USA.
I am looking for a beginner oud to buy in person in the price range of 100 - 300 american dollars. If there is anyone in southern california who
would like to sell an oud in this price range, please tell me or email me at jamann2013@gmail.com
I have never played before and would like to get started.
Thank you!

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And the hits just keep on coming ....
Oud Junkie
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Hi Jasmine,
just look around the forums ... your question has been asked "hundreds" of times before 
And my answer is always the same ... it's very unlikely to find a decent instrument in that price range ... you'll need muuuch luck. Most ouds in your
price range, that can be found sometimes on Ebay for example are usually nice as a decoration object, but not nice to play. I don't say, that it's
impossible to get a nice cheap oud to start with, but in my opinion the chances are very small.
With a budget of 500$ or a bit more the chances to get a nice instrument will rise noticably.
Greetings from Germany
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Jasmine, as Herr Aymara says, you need luck. The more you know, the better your chances.
There are different types of ouds. Do a lot of reading using the search feature of this forum. The specific things to look for in a low cost oud, the
correct construction, string clearance and neck "lean back", have been specified, and the whole subject of "the beginner's oud" has been beaten to
death. Under $300 it's largely a crap shoot. Arabinstruments.com has some in the $300-$500 range, and he's a responsible dealer. There are some
outfits in Turkey that ship starter ouds in a range of prices, but nobody that I know of has tried them. Until you dig in and pick up a little
knowledge you are not likely to get a lot of hand-holding.
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Jack, this is very valuable, as nobody before had evaluated these ouds. Can you please be more detailed? Did both of you buy Gawaret El Fan ouds?
Which types? How long have you had them? What exactly leads you to say they are not "top of the line"?
What do you like and dislike about yours? Can you please describe the pegs (type of wood, do they tune smoothly, must you push them back in?), the
soundboard (is it raw or varnished, is the varnish very smooth or brushed on?), the fingerboard (type of wood, is it showing any marks or wear under
wound strings?) and the action (height of strings at neck-body junction?). How does it sound to you compared to others you might have heard, or
Any other details would be greatly appreciated.
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This is great, and glad the oud is calling you!
I think part of the issue is a difference in tools and expectations between first and third world. This is where the Turkish ouds are more finely
finished, and also where the Turkish luthiers want pricing more in line with turkey's EU aspirations. And Ouds made to today's boutique standards,
including ones made by members of this forum, are probably the most beautiful ouds ever made.
But I do not believe a gorgeously finished oud is necessarily a better oud. Your experience with arabinstruments is very important, as it confirms a
trusted source for ouds below the Sukar model 1 level.
Just a couple more details. Please! Can you please check the action, the clearance at the neck-body junction? Some people prefer 2.5 mm, but a higher
action favors an Arabic tone. Here is the simple way to measure, what US coins will slip under the strings without having to deflect the
strings. If you are not in US can you use a cm ruler and slip of paper to measure?
2 dimes = 2.5mm
1 nickel and a dime = 3mm
1 nickel and 1 quarter = 3.5mm
2 pennies and 1 dime = 4mm
2 Pennies and 1 nickel = 4.5mm
3 dimes and 1 penny = 5mm
Is the finish on the face a modern glassy polyurethane spray job, or a varnish where you can see the grain and the brush marks? If the latter, with a
very light swirling pass with finest steel wool and some elbow-grease you can take the cheap shine down to a lovely semi-gloss.
What is the nut made of, wood, plastic, bone? Is the notching deep to where strings sink in, or very shallow where they barely stay in place? Is the
string height at the nut even and low enough for effortless fingering? Some say 1mm is correct height, others say "thickness of string".
Any abnormal buzzing anywhere ? (the oud has a natural "timbral" buzz string to string, that's normal)
Thanks again! so glad two more players have heard the oud's call, and welcome to the forum!
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The question is, are they really below the M1 level or compairable? Both for example have a varnished fingerboard and the sound seems to be similar.
The only clear advantage of the M1 I see so far, is the adjustable neck.
Greetings from Germany
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Chris, I am not out to have the last word, but honestly, no point in confusing things, the M1 is universally recognized recognized as a real
instrument all around. It's the result of one man's standardized production design; "the Honda of the oud world" is a compliment. The M1 shares the
unique design of the entire Sukar family. It was Marina Toshich who first alerted me to the issues. There's a reason Arabinstruments sells even their
cheapest Sukars at twice the price of their Gawaret El Fans.
As to specifics, the soundboard of the M1 is unfinished spruce, and the fingerboard's varnish is a thin layer strictly for "presentation", it can be
removed with your fingernail, many people just wash it off. All Sukars share a specific brace system, resulting in a deep bass and powerful tone, with
a consistent high count of resonant nodes. If you compare the sound files, you can easily tell. The finish is careful, and even the olivewood M1 pegs
are decent. People with expensive ouds keep their M1s.
Gawaret El Fans are in a different class entirely, as the Gawaret label finds itself on the work of countless anonymous makers - I know I have one.
Look at their web site. You won't even find any of the models ArabInstruments sells, and they tell you "we not only sell" ... "we make" -- yes, now
they apparently make some of them. They offer dumbeks, traps, pianos, synthesizers and trumpets too.
This is the first positive report, and it comes from a novice. I would very much like to accept that the ones Arabinstruments offers are select decent
starter ouds, and this selection is essential, but there is even no assurance of consistency.
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From my experience, I am very satisfied with my oud. Actually I am in love with it.
It's a Fathi Amin I bought from Dr. Atef Abd El Hameed from Cairo. He is a oud teacher at the Cairo Opera House.
The oud sounds great and the workmanship is awesome, after all it is a fathy amin. And you can get it for only a little more than what you would pay
for a Gawharet el Fan or arabinstrument oud.
My friend owns a gawharet el fan oud, its very good but doesnt compare to a fathy amin.
Contact Dr. Atef, he is very nice and will assist you. the oud ships in less than a week:
good luck
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... I would like to see 
Could you show us a photo?
Greetings from Germany
Oud Junkie
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Yes of course mate. I ll post pics but no sound files! Cuz I still suck plus I don't ve a good mic
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