Hi Chris-Stephens,
This page seems token from a book where the information is, dedicated to be, short, without details, that's why it might be seen as
wrong/false...maybe. In addition, I notice that there is no reference... By reading on this issue a lot, I found many contradictions, because it is
very difficult to trace the history of the ud with precision for many reasons. To give a an example, here is an article written by the well known
Henry George Farmer, to replay to a scholar about this subject. You will find in it a relevant information on this topic and about how it's complex to
trace the history of the expansion of the ud.
The Origin of the Arabian Lute and Rebec. The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. No. 4 (OCTOBER 1930), pp. 767-783. https://www.jstor.org/stable/44012873?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
You or readers might be interested in reading on the origin of Qanun, Written by Farmer too : https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-royal-asiatic...
I gave two references for the same author, but there are others that you can find in libraries to get different opinions in the oud odyssey.
Hope it helps !